Sunday, December 9, 2012

Book Discussion Program

Monthly Book Discussion Group
            “Pick a Book & Picnic” is a monthly Book Discussion Group.  The group is designated for teens aged 13-18 and meets every second Thursday of the month for 45 minutes. Registration is required for this program and the program is free.  However, there is a limit of 20 people who may attend.  The group discussion is genre based and the genre changes after three months.  The first genre is post-apocalyptic and the group will be discussing The Maze Runner by James Dashner.  The librarian has chosen the first novel, but will present a list of popular post-apocalyptic novels and let the teens in the program choose which novel they would like to read for the next two months.  To assist in gathering enough novels, the librarian will meet with local public school librarians to see if they can provide books for the program as well promote the book discussion group to their library users.  The goals and objectives for this book discussion group are to get schools involved in the promotion of the library’s program and providing books to teen readers, to teach teens to respect all points of view, to teach teens to value being able to choose their own reading materials, to create a safe and fun environment for teens to be a part of and feel as though they can be themselves, helping teens to respect and trust book discussion members, to create life-long library users, to bring in new teen readers, to show teens there are different genres of novels, to allow teens to help promote the program, to promote reading, and to help teens create relationships with people outside of their everyday lives.
To prepare for each program, the librarian is going to cut out brown and green paper to look like trees (creating 3-4 trees) to mount on the wall.  The librarian will then place two large picnic blankets on the floor beneath the trees.  There will be large bean bag chairs as well as large sitting pillows surrounding the picnic blanket to fit twenty teens.  There will be two clear bowls on the blankets, one for questions from the teens that relate to the current book and the other bowl is for the teens to put their choices in for the next book choice.  The program is going to be in three parts.  The first fifteen minutes will have the librarian asking questions and discussing with the group.  The second fifteen minutes will have the teens write down two questions about the book and place them in the bowl on the picnic blanket.  The librarian will choose five of the teens to choose one question out of the bowl and have them start the discussion based on their question.  The last fifteen minutes will have a game similar to jeopardy, hangman, or wheel of fortune.  The teens will ask each other questions and the librarian will prepare questions to help assist in the game.  The number of attendees in the discussion group can be no more than twenty.  Therefore, they are able to bring their own packed lunch and the library will provide drinks out a cooler (as if we are picnicking), and a dessert, usually themed in some way to look like the book being read.
            To entice teens to come and enjoy the program, the librarian will give attendees “Book Bucks.”  Everyone gets 20 Book Bucks simply for showing up and taking part in the program.  They receive 10 Book Bucks for creating two questions to put in for discussion, and they can receive 10-40 Book Bucks depending on how much they score during which game they play.  They receive 20 Book Bucks for each correct answer in Hangman and 10 Book Bucks for being the questioner in Hangman.  In jeopardy, they can receive 10-40 Book Bucks depending on which category and question they choose.  And lastly, if they play a wheel of fortune game, they can receive 1 Book Buck for every letter they guess correctly, 5 Book Bucks for each word they get correctly, and a surprising 10-40 Book bucks randomly if they solve the entire puzzle (There will be 1s -40s Book Bucks in a bowl and they will pull one bill out of the bowl.  If the games are divided into groups of five, all members in that team will receive the same amount of Book Bucks.  The Book Bucks can then be spent on books, donated toys (from a free your fine program), and other toys/items that were gifts from summer reading.  
For the first month, the librarian has chosen the genre of post-apocalyptic and the selected novel is The Maze Runner by James Dashner.  The librarian will create a list of post-apocalyptic novels with a short synopsis included so that the teens can write down two books that they would like to read from the list.  These votes will be placed in one of the bowls at the end of the program and the librarian will go through the choices in the bowl.  Whichever novel has the most votes, that novel will be the book that will be read next.  After the third month, the librarian will have bookmarks with titles that are part of future genre discussions and allow the teens in the discussion group to help choose which genres they would like to read throughout the following year using the same method.  At the end of the program, the librarian will give the teens a short survey asking for titles they might want to add to the genre choices, what they like and dislike about the discussion group, if they would like to change anything, and what they want to happen to the program in the future. 

List of Materials
1.     2 Picnic blankets ($10/ each)
2.     Large roll of brown canvas paper ($10/each)
3.     Large roll of green canvas paper ($10/each)
4.     10 Bean Bag Chairs ($25/each)
5.     10 Large Sitting Pillows ($15/each)
6.     2 Large Circular Bowls ($2)
7.     Soft drinks ($15/month)
8.     Cooler ($20)
9.     Cupcakes ($20)
10.  White board (Free—Library Supplies)
11.  White Board Markers (Free-Library Supplies)
12.  Large Post-its- (Free- Library Supplies)
13.  Cardstock for Bookmarks (Free-Library Supplies)
14.  Pens/Pencils (Free- Library Supplies)
15.  Paper (Free-Library Supplies)
16.  Flyers for other libraries (Free-Library Prints)
17.  Books ($15/book—some free from library and other libraries)
18.  Genre Bookmarks (Free-Library Prints)
19.  Monopoly Money  ($10.00)
Total from Above: $604.00

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